User manual

Food Temperature
Grilling time (min) Shelf position
1st side 2nd side
Back of pork 210 - 230 30 - 40 30 - 40 1
Back of veal 210 - 230 30 - 40 30 - 40 1
Back of lamb 210 - 230 25 - 35 20 - 35 1
Whole Fish, 0.5 -
1 kg
210 - 230 15 - 30 15 - 30 1
10.2 Microwave cooking
Place the plate with the food on the
bottom of the cavity and turn it halfway
through the cooking time.
Stir the food halfway through the
cooking or defrosting time.
Put the spoon to the bottle or glass when
heating drinks to ensure better heat
If you cannot find desired recipe, refer to
the similar type of food in the tables.
Cover the food for cooking and
Tips for the Microwave
Possible cause Remedy
The food is too dry. The power was too high.
The time was too long.
The food was not covered.
Next time select a lower power and a
longer time.
The food is still not
defrosted, hot or
cooked after the end
of cooking time.
The time was too short. Set a longer time. Do not increase
the Microwave Power.
The food is overhea-
ted at the edges but
is still not ready in
the middle.
The power was too high.
The food was not turned
during the cooking cycle.
Next time select a lower power and a
longer time.
Defrosting meat
Food Power (Watts) Time (min) Standing time
Steak (0.2 kg) 100 5 - 7 5 - 10
Minced meat (0.5 kg) 100 10 - 15 5 - 10