User manual

Delicate washing
Textiles such as layered, micro-fiber, synthetic textiles and net curtains
marked with this maintenance symbol require particularly gentle
treatment. The DELICATE programme is appropriated for this type of
Wool and particularly delicate washing
Textiles such as woolens, wool blends or silk marked with this label are
particularly sensitive to mechanical forces. The WOOLENS programme
is appropriated for this type of textile.
Woolen clothes marked with the
(wool) label are only machine
washable if the comment non-fluffing or fluff resistant, and
machine washable is added.
Textiles marked with the
(hand washable) label or (do not
wash) label cannot be washed in the washing machine!
Follow the wash separately or wash separately several times
maintenance instructions.
Washing coloureds
When washed for the first time, coloureds can lose their color and stain
other items of your washing.
We recommend that you carry out the following simple test to make
sure that coloureds will not lose their color:
Treatment of stains
Stains that might not wash clean (particularly if they are old) should
be treated working inwards from the outside of the stain in order to
avoid forming halos.
Grass. Rub carefully with soap and apply dilute Javel water. Alcohol
at 90°C can give good results for wool.
User's instructions
Choose a part of the washing
that will not be seen
Dampen it using
warm water
If the washing
loses its color,
wash it by hand
Then place it on a
piece of white
If the washing does
not lose its color, you
can wash it in the