Operation Manual

9.2 Draining the condensed
water container
Drain the condensed water container af-
ter each drying cycle.
If the condensed water container is full,
the programme breaks off automatically
and the drain the condensed water con-
tainer LED is on. To continue the pro-
gramme, drain the condensed water
container and press the start button.
To drain the condensed water
container automatically you can
install draining accessory (see
To drain the condensed water container:
Pull the condensed water container
and keep it in horizontal position.
Move the plastic connection out and
drain the condensed water container
into a sink or equivalent receptacle.
Move plastic connection in and in-
stall water container.
Risk of poisoning. The con-
densed water is not applicable to
drink or to prepare food.
The condensed water can be
used as distilled water, e.g. for
steam ironing. If necessary filter
the condensed water (e.g. with a
coffee filter) to remove possible
residue and small pieces of fluff.
9.3 Cleaning the condenser
If the condenser LED is on, the condens-
er must be cleaned.
To clean the condenser:
Open the loading door.
Move the release button on the bot-
tom of the door opening and open
the condenser door.