Operating instructions

POTATO GRATIN (for 4-5 people)
750 g potatoes
100 g Gruyère or Emmental cheese, grated
250 ml milk or cream
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 tablespoons thyme
1 garlic clove, peeled
salt, pepper, nutmeg.
Peel potatoes, cut into approx 3 mm thick slices, dry and then season
with salt and pepper.
Place half of the slices of potato in a greased, oven-proof dish. Sprinkle
some grated cheese over them. Layer the rest of the potato slices over
this and sprinkle the rest of the cheese on the top.
Crush the clove of garlic and beat together with the eggs, milk and the
thyme. Salt the mixture and pour over the potatoes.
Place knobs of butter on the gratin.
1 chicken (1,000 - 1,200 g)
2 tablespoons oil
Salt, pepper, paprika, curry powder
Wash the chicken and dry it with kitchen paper.
Mix the spices with the oil and use the mixture to coat the chicken
evenly inside and out.
Then place the chicken breast-side down in an ovenproof dish or glass
dish with perforated insert (special accessory).
Halfway through the roasting time turn the chicken.
After the first audible signal, check how the meat is cooking. If re-
quired, leave it to cook for the rest of the roasting time until the sec-
ond audible signal (about 10 mins.).
Setting Oven level Cook time
P 11 POTATO GRATIN 2 30 mins.
Setting Oven level Cook time
P12 CHICKEN 1200 G 2 30 mins.