Operation Manual

Instruction Manual
Thank you for choosing our product. We hope you will enjoy
using the appliance.
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
Warns of dangers for your health and indicates potential
risks of injury.
Indicates potential dangers for the device or other objects.
NOTE: Highlights tips and information for you.
General Safety Guidelines
Before using this device, carefully read this user manual and
keep it together with the Warranty Certificate, cashier receipt
and if possible, the original package inclusive its interior pack-
ing. If you hand on the device to any third person, include the
user manual as well.
pose the device to rain or humidity. Do not use the device
near water (e.g. bathroom, swimming pool, humid cellars).
• Donotusetheunitinextremelyhot,cold,dusty,ordamp
• Theunitisdesignedsolelyforprivateuseanditsintended
purpose. This unit is not designed for commercial use.
• Makesurethatthepowercableisnotbent,pinched,or
comes into contact with heat sources.
• Makesurethatthepowercableisnotatrippinghazard.
• Thepowersupplyisonlysuitableforuseindryrooms.
• Onlyconnectthepowersupplytoaproperlyinstalled
socket. Ensure that the specified voltage matches the volt-
age of the socket. Also check to make sure that the output
current and the polarity of the power supply match the
information on the connected device.
• Donottouchthepowersupplywithwethands!
• Themainsplugmustalwaysbeeasilyaccessible.
• Alwaysinstallbatteriesinthecorrectdirection.
• Avoidcoveringthedevice’sventopenings.
• Nevercovertheventholeswithobjects,suchasmaga-
zines, tablecloths, curtains etc.
• Thisapplianceshallnotbeexposedtodrippingorsplash-
ing water and that no object filled with liquids such as
vases shall be placed on apparatus.
• Opensourcesofre,suchase.g.burningcandlesmaynot
be placed onto the unit.
• Neveropenthedevice’scase.Improperrepairscancause
severe danger to the user. If the device or particularly the
power cord is damaged, don’t use the device any further
and have it repaired by a qualified specialist. Check the
power cord regularly for damages.
• Toavoidanydanger,adamagedpowercordmustbe
replaced only by the producer, its customer service or a
similarly qualified person with an equal cord.
• Ifthedevicewon’tbeusedoveranextendedperiodof
time, disconnect the power cord and remove the batteries.
These symbols may be found on the device and shall indicate
the following:
The lightning symbol warns the user of danger-
ously high voltages inside the case.
tant instruction or maintenance remarks in the
accompanying guidelines.
Children and disabled persons
• Forthesafetyofyourchildren,keepanypackingparts
(plastic bags, cartilage, Styrofoam etc.) out of their reach.
Don’t let small children play with foils for danger of
• Thisdeviceisnotintendedforusebypersons(includ-
ing children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental
unless they have been given supervision or instructions
concerning the use of the device by a person responsible
for their safety.
• Supervisechildrentoensuretheydonotplaywiththe
Location of Controls
1 Telescopic antenna
2 SET button
3 UP button
4 PREV button
5 Loudspeaker
6 PLAY button
7 NEXT button
8 Volume control
9 DOWN button
10 MODE button
11 RADIO button
12 Display
13 Switch
• AUXIN•
14 LIGHT switch
15 Battery compartment
16 Headphone jack
17 AUX IN connector
18 DC 6 V