Operation Manual

First Use of the Device/Introduction
• Selectaproperplaceforthedevice.Adry,levelandslip
proof surface is suitable.
• Makesurethedeviceisventedsufciently!
• Removetheprotectivelmfromthedevice,ifpresent.
• Insertthegridplugintoaproperlyinstalledsocket.Con-
nect the device with the plug connector by inserting its
plug into the DC 6 V jack of the device.
• Makesurethegridvoltagecorrespondstothegureson
the rating plate.
• TheincludedACadaptermayonlybeusedwiththis
device. Do not use it for other devices.
• UseonlyanACadapterwith6V(
). A different
AC adapter may damage the unit.
• Disconnectfrommainspowersupplyduringlonger
periods of non-use.
• Thetimeandthestoredradiostationsarelostassoon
as the power supply has been interrupted.
Inserting batteries (batteries not included)
Alternatively, you may operate the device with batteries.
1. Open the battery compartment located at the back of
the device.
2. Insert 4 batteries of type R6/AA 1.5 V, thereby observing
the correct polarity (see bottom of the battery compart-
3. Close the battery compartment.
fire or the like. There is a risk of explosion!
• Batteriescanleakbatteryacid.Ifyoudonotusethe
device for a prolonged period of time, remove the bat-
teries from the device.
• Followtheinstructionsbythebatteries’manufacturer!
• Differentbatterytypesornewandusedbatteriesmust
not be used together.
• Donotdisposeofbatteriesthroughnormalhousehold
waste. Return batteries to appropriate collection facili-
ties or retailers.
Setting the clock (during standby mode)
You may only set the clock when the clock time is displayed. If
necessary, switch off the device with the RADIO button.
1. PressandholdtheSETbuttonforapprox.3seconds.The
2. Use UP/DOWN buttons to set the hours. Confirm with
3. Use UP/ DOWN buttons to set the minutes.
4. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to select the 24- or 12-hour
time format. Confirm with SET.
NOTE: When choosing the 12-hour time format, the
display shows
AM = morning, PM = afternoon.
5. Press SET again in order to save the time settings.
In case of power interruptions the clock time will be lost.
Light button
Press down the LIGHT button (14) to continuously light the
display. When pressing LIGHT again, the display backlight
will turn off time-delayed.
Switch (13)
Use this switch to select the following functions:
The device supports AUX and Bluetooth operation.
Please refer to “Playing back music files” below.
Listen to radio or set an alarm time. If an alarm has been
activated, the device will wake you with a signal sound.
Listen to radio or set an alarm time. If an alarm has been
activated, you will wake up to radio operation. The device
will switch on the radio station listened to last with the
volume set at the volume control.
Alarm function
You may only set the alarm time when the clock time is
displayed. If necessary, switch off the device with the RADIO
Set the alarm time
1. Press the MODE button. The display will show ALM/SET
and the currently set alarm time.
2. PressandholdtheSETbuttonforapprox.3seconds.The
3. Use UP or DOWN to set the hours. Confirm with SET.
4. Use UP or DOWN to set the minutes. Confirm with SET.
5. Use UP or DOWN to activate or deactivate the alarm
function. Alarm function activated: an alarm icon will be
6. Press SET to save your settings.
7. At the end, press MODE to return to clock time mode.
8. Use the switch (13) to select your desired wake-up mode.
BUZZ = signal sound, RADIO = radio station listened to