Operation Manual

• Avoidcoveringthedevice’sventopenings.
• Nevercovertheventholeswithobjects,suchasmagazines,tablecloths,curtainsetc.
• Thisapplianceshallnotbeexposedtodrippingorsplashingwaterandthatnoobject
filled with liquids such as vases shall be placed on apparatus.
• Opensourcesofre,suchase.g.burningcandlesmaynotbeplacedontotheunit.
• Neveropenthedevice’scase.Improperrepairscancauseseveredangertotheuser.If
the device or particularly the power cord is damaged, don’t use the device any further
and have it repaired by a qualified specialist. Check the power cord regularly for dam-
• Ifyoudonotusethedeviceforalongperiodoftime,pullthepowersupplyunitfrom
the wall socket and/or remove the batteries.
These symbols may be found on the device and shall indicate the following:
The lightning symbol warns the user of dangerously high voltages inside the
remarks in the accompanying guidelines.
Children and disabled persons
• Forthesafetyofyourchildren,keepanypackingparts(plasticbags,cartilage,Styro-
foam etc.) out of their reach.
Don’t let small children play with foils for Danger of suffocation!
• Thisdeviceisnotintendedforusebypersons(includingchildren)withreducedphysi-
they have been given supervision or instructions concerning the use of the device by a
person responsible for their safety.
• Supervisechildrentoensuretheydonotplaywiththedevice.
Overview of the Components
1 /VOL- button
2 /SLEEP button
3 /VOL+ button
4 PRESET button
5 SNOOZE button
6 /H button