Operating Instructions and Installation Instructions

Operation - for users and contractors
4. Settings
The appliance heating system switches on automatically
as soon as you open the DHW valve at the tap or activate
the sensor of a sensor tap. The water is heated. The water
temperature can be adjusted at the tap:
For initial ow rate and ow rate limiting, see chapter
» Reduce the ow rate at the tap.
» Open the tap further or add more cold water.
See chapter "Commissioning / Recommissioning".
5. 
» Never use abrasive or corrosive cleaning agents. A
damp cloth is sufcient for cleaning the appliance.
» Check the taps/valves regularly. Limescale deposits
at the spouts can be removed using commercially
available descaling agents.
» Have the electrical safety of the appliance regularly
checked by an electrician.
» Regularly descale or replace the special aerator (see
chapter "Appliance description / Accessories").
6. Troubleshooting
Problem  
The appliance will not
start despite the DHW
valve being fully open.
No power to the ap-
Check the fuses/
MCBs in your fuse
The aerator in the tap
is scaled up or dirty.
Clean and/or descale
the aerator or replace
the special aerator.
The water supply has
been interrupted.
Vent the appliance
and the cold water
inlet line (see chapter
The required tem-
perature is not being
The maximum tem-
perature set inside the
appliance is too low.
Have your qualified
contractor adjust the
maximum tempera-
The appliance is at its
output limit.
Reduce the flow rate.
If you cannot remedy the fault, notify your qualied con-
tractor. To facilitate and speed up your enquiry, please
provide the serial number from the type plate (000000 /
MTE . . .