Operating Instructions and Installation Instructions

Operation - for users and contractors
4. Settings
The appliance heating system switches on automatically
as soon as you open the DHW valve at the tap or activate
the sensor of a sensor tap. The water is heated. The water
temperature can be adjusted at the tap:
For the start volume, see chapter "Specication / Data
table / On".
Increasing the temperature
» Reduce the ow rate at the tap.
Reducing the temperature
» Open the tap further or add more cold water.
Following an interruption of the water supply
See chapter "Commissioning / Recommissioning".
5. Cleaning, care and
» Never use abrasive or corrosive cleaning agents. A
damp cloth is sufcient for cleaning the appliance.
Material losses
Scale build-up at the tap outlets can put the appli-
ance under pressure and may cause irreparable
» Check the taps/valves regularly. Limescale deposits
at the spouts can be removed using commercially
available descaling agents.
» Have the electrical safety of the appliance regularly
checked by an electrician.
» Regularly descale or replace the special aerator (see
chapter "Appliance description / Accessories").
6. Troubleshooting
Problem Cause Remedy
The appliance will not
start despite the DHW
valve being fully open.
No power to the ap-
Check the fuses/
MCBs in your fuse
The aerator in the tap
is scaled up or dirty.
Clean and/or descale
the aerator or replace
the special aerator.
The water supply has
been interrupted.
Vent the appliance
and the cold water
inlet line (see chapter
If you cannot remedy the fault, notify your qualied con-
tractor. To facilitate and speed up your enquiry, please
provide the serial number from the type plate (000000 /
MTH . . .