User's Manual

6.5 Input and output data Thyro-Power Manager
Tab. 21 Cyclic input and output data TPM automatic mode
Tab. 22 Cyclic input and output data TPM manual mode
Offset Input data, actual values Data type Size Unit
0 AC input 1 float 4 [A],[V]
4 AC input 2 float 4 [A],[V]
8 AC input 3 float 4 [A],[V]
12 Power float 4 [W]
16 Energy float 4 [kWh]
20 DC input 1 integer 2 4096=100%
22 DC input 2 integer 2 4096=100%
24 DC input 3 integer 2 4096=100%
26 Mains voltage integer 2 [V]
28 Period duration integer 2 [μs]
30 Temperature integer 2 [°C]
32 Fault (see table 25b) integer 2 -
34 Status (see table 25b) integer 2 -
Offset Input data, actual values Data type Size Unit
0 AC input 1 float 4 [A],[V]
4 AC input 2 float 4 [A],[V]
8 AC input 3 float 4 [A],[V]
12 Power float 4 [W]
16 Energy float 4 [kWh]
20 DC input 1 integer 2 4096=100%
22 DC input 2 integer 2 4096=100%
24 DC input 3 integer 2 4096=100%
26 Mains voltage integer 2 [V]
28 Period duration integer 2 [μs]
30 Temperature integer 2 [°C]
32 Fault (see table 25b) integer 2 -
34 Status (see table 25b) integer 2 -