Instruction manual

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o This appliance is manufactured from top quality
materials, and oīĞƌs superb streamlined eīects
o With highƐƵĐƟon power and low noise, it is designed to remove
cooking fumes from your kitchen quietly and ĞīĞcƟvely
InstallaƟon WƌĞƉĂƌĂƟŽŶ
Note: this procedure will require 2 people for easier inƐƚĂůůĂƟon
General PreparaƟon
o Remove range from packaging and lay upside down on
table covered with cardboard or paper to prevent
scratching of the hood or table
o Be sure the power switch is set to OFF
o Drill
o 1/8” drill bit for pilot holes
o 1-1/4” wood bit for drilling electrical wiri
ng access hole
o Phillips head screwdriver
o Flat-head screwdriver
o Pliers
o Pencil, ruler and level for marking range hood loĐĂƟon
o Hand saw or jig saw for cuƫng the wall or cabinet openings
o Duct tape
o Electrical tape
o Connector clamp