Operating instructions

Protect 5.31/xxx-480-220-120 10 kVA - 120 kVA
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9.2 Start-Up
Following the power-up reset, the DOU performs a self-test. Data is
loaded from the power converters after the test has been completed
successfully. The LEDs light up sequentially during this phase. A start
screen appears on the LCD, and a status bar indicates the duration of
the start-up process.
When you start up the DOU for the first time (commissioning),
you must select the menu language using the general keys "<" and
">". The available languages are indicated using their respective
country-specific abbreviation (car number plate). The language
currently selected is displayed on a black background. You activate
the selected language by pressing the ENTER key, and the next
menu opens. In order to comply with international requirements, all
menus up to the language selection are displayed in English.
When you start up the UPS for the first time (commissioning),
depending on the UPS type, the language selection menu is followed
by several other menus where you have to set parameters for the
UPS circuit and the installed battery. Step-by-step, you are prompted
to parameterise the unit and carry out switching operations until the
system is in normal operation.
During subsequent UPS start-ups, you can initiate the procedure
used for the first start-up (commissioning) manually to modify the set
parameters. Otherwise, the start-up process is shortened.
9.3 Menu Structure
9.3.1 Menu Tree
Figure 17 Menu tree