Operating instructions

Protect 5.31/xxx-480-220-120 10 kVA - 120 kVA
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10.1.4 Possible Battery Tests
Test of the battery charging circuit:
This brief test checks the connected battery by lowering the voltage
and carrying out a current analysis. Line interruptions or defective
fuses in the battery circuit are also detected. With a battery present,
the test takes approx. 1 second. It is carried out automatically each
week by the rectifier control uni
Capacity check
This operating mode allows a check of the battery status by drawing
constant current from the battery. For this, it is necessary to have an
inverter load that is larger than the discharge current.
Before the test, the data of the last test is displayed together with the
date and time. The values at the end of the test are retained after a
current test.
As the battery is partly or completely discharged, the full standby
time of the UPS is not available in the event of a mains failure.
Capacity test
The capacity test allows the availability of the battery to be tested
using the currently available inverter load. This involves reducing the
DC voltage of the rectifier, so the voltage should be supported by the
battery voltage. The battery supplies the full current into the inverter.
This simulates a rectifier circuit failure. In the event of a battery fault,
the inverter continues to be supplied by the rectifier.
Before the test, the data of the last test is displayed together with the
date and time. The values at the end of the test are retained after a
current test.
As the battery is partly discharged, the full standby time of the
UPS is not available in the event of a mains failure.