Operating instructions

Protect 5.31/xxx-480-220-120 10 kVA - 120 kVA
Page 52 of 56 8000020680 BAL, en
visual checks and functional tests of the unit to maintain its high
availability and operational reliability and also to check the battery
It is only possible for the UPS to reach its high degree of availability of
approx. 99.99% if any unit fault is eliminated within 24 hours. This
must be ensured by providing the necessary service work
(e.g. through maintenance contracts).
Maintenance work must sometimes be performed when the UPS
is connected to the power supply. Ensure that the work area is
cordoned off and always observe the safety instructions!
The following maintenance work must be performed if no other
instructions are given by the battery manufacturer:
Task Interval Described in
Visual check 6 months Chapter 12.3.1
Functional test 6 months Chapter 12.3.2
Electrolyte level of the
3 months Chapter 12.3.3
Battery compartment Annually Chapter 12.3.3
Fan replacement* 40,000 hours Chapter 12.2.2
Table 10 Checklist for maintenance work
* Depends on the ambient conditions (observe the instructions of the
fan manufacturer).
12.3.1 Visual Checks
When visually inspecting the unit, check whether:
there is any mechanical damage or whether foreign bodies can be
found in the system,
any conductive dirt or dust has accumulated in the unit,
accumulation of dust affects heat dissipation.
The UPS must be disconnected from the power supply in
accordance with Chapter 8 and charged capacitors must be
discharged prior to carrying out the following work.
Always observe the safety regulations!
If large quantities of dust have accumulated, the unit should, as a
precaution, be cleaned using dry compressed air, in order to ensure
better heat dissipation.
The intervals at which visual checks should be performed are largely
determined by the site conditions.
12.3.2 Functional Test
The functional test of the UPS should be performed every six months
and include the following tasks: