Operation Manual

2.1.3. Status
Menu Structure - Status
Display Functions Description
[-] Ambient Conditions Only applicable if sensors are connected
Irradiance: 1400W/m
Irradiance. “NC” if not connected
PV module temp: 100
PV module temperature. “NC” if not connected
Ambient temp: 20
Ambient temperature. “NC” if not connected
Irr. sensor temp: 20
Irradiation sensor temperature. “NC” if not connected
[-] Photovoltaic
[-] Present values
[-] PV input 1
Voltage: 1000V Voltage detected at PV input 1
Current: 15.0 A Current detected at PV input 1
Power 10000 W Power detected at PV input 1
[+] PV input 2
[+] PV input 3 Not visible if inverter type is 10 kW
[-] Isolation Resistance
Resistance: 45 MΩ PV isolation at start up
[-] PV Input Energy
Total: 369000kWh Daily production of all PV inputs
PV1: 123000 kWh Daily production of PV input 1
PV2: 123000 kWh Daily production of PV input 2
PV3: 123000 kWh Daily production of PV input 3
[-] PV Configuration
PV input 1: Individual
Configuration of PV input 1. The configuration is only shown when the in-
verter is in Connecting or On grid mode.
PV input 2: Individual
PV input 3: Individual
[-] AC-grid
[-] Present Values
[-] Phase 1
Voltage: 250 V Voltage on phase 1
Current: 11.5 A Current on phase 1
Frequency: 50 Hz Frequency on phase 1
Power: 4997 W Power on phase 1
[+] Phase 2
[+] Phase 3
[-] Residual Current Monitor
Current: 350 mA Residual current in mA
[-] Grid management Only visible if the inverter is set up for feed-in to medium or high voltage
grid (e.g. _MV country is the selected country)
[-] Power level adjustment
[-] Present limit: 100 %
Maximum allowed power output in % of nominal power output. “Off”
means that the power level functionality has been disabled in the inverter.
[-] Reactive power Only displayed if the current country setting is an MV country or custom,
and in Protect PV versions.
Setpoint type: Off
The setpoint type for Reactive Power. Off means that no internal setpoints
are used, but the inverter will accept an external setpoint.
Value: -
The current value of the setpoint for reactive power, the unit depends on
the selected setpoint type.
Table 2.3: Status
2. Display
6 8000038784_00_BAL_en / L00410565-01_02