Operation Manual

Determination of the body and bone
mass, and the body fat, muscle and body
water percentages
First, enter your personal data in one of the
storage locations available. To switch the
scale apply pressure on it as described
above. Push the MODE button to switch on
the display; the reading as shown in Fig. 5
will appear. Push the MODE button again. By
pushing the P/ button you change to the
selection mode. Use the P/ / ATH/ but-
tons to select the storage location where
your personal data is stored.
- The display will now first show any stored
data as the storage location number (flas-
hing), sex, age (AGE) and body height
(HT). Then, WT 0.0 kg (0.0 lb./0:0 St:)
and -.- - (HT)” will appear on the display.
In this exam-
ple, the per-
son is 10
years old,
137cm tall
and occu-
pies storage location 6.
Athlete symbol
This group includes persons who are
doing sports for at least 10 hours per
week and have a heart rate of about 60
beats/min or lower.
The guidelines do not cover professional
sportsmen as, e.g., bodybuilders.
- If the display shows WT 0.0 kg (0.0 lb. / 0:
0 St:) and -.- - (HT) and your age is set to a
value be-tween 16 and 50 years, the ATHLE-
TE symbol will light up after pushing the
- Now, step on the scales. Grab the LCD
display with both hands and make sure to
touch the contact surfaces.
- Wait until the measuring process is com-
pleted (the weight indication flashes 1 x).
- After several seconds, the display will
show your determined weight, body fat
percentage (symbol: “BF %”) followed by
the muscle mass percentage (“BM %”).
Besides this, the scale determines the
body water percentage („BW %“), the
required calories per day (KCAL) and the
bone weight in kg / lb. St: (BON / kg
(lb., St:)).
- The determined values will then be shown
on the LCD display two times in the
sequence described above. Then, the dis-
play automatically switches back to the
time after some seconds.
Display and Error Messages
If an error message (Err) appears in the dis-
play please wait until the scales switch off.
Then switch them on again to continue using
them. For a complete reset remove the battery
for a moment and then reconnect it.
Switching on: All segments light up simul-
taneously. This is a check
that the displays are
working correctly.
„- - - - kg The weight to be
(- - - - lb./ measured is too low.
- - - - St:)“: Correct operation is not
possible. The scale is not
switched on.
„Err“: The calculated body fat/
water percentage ranges
beyond the upper or lower
measuring limit. The measure-
ment was aborted before
the measuring process was
ompleted or it was not
possible to perform
„0-Ld“: The indication ‘0-Ld’ means
that the weight exceeds
150 kg. Do not exceed the
device’s maximum load to
prevent damages to the
(fig. 8)
Only the personal data of a person as, e.g.,
the age, body height, etc., are stored. The
determined values as the body weight, calo-
rie requirement, etc. are only shown once.
PW_4914_Bed_Anl_A5_3.qxd 28.08.2007 12:30 Uhr Seite 64