Operation Manual

General Safety Instructions
• Readtheoperatinginstructionscarefullybeforeputting
the appliance into operation and keep the instructions in-
cluding the warranty, the receipt and, if possible, the box
with the internal packing. If you give this device to other
people, please also pass on the operating instructions.
• Theapplianceisdesignedexclusivelyforprivateuseand
for the envisaged purpose. This appliance is not fit for
commercial use.
Do not use it outdoors. Keep it away from sources of
heat, direct sunlight, humidity (never dip it into any liquid)
and sharp edges. Do not use the appliance with wet
hands. If the appliance is humid or wet, unplug it immedi-
• Whencleaningorputtingitaway,switchofftheappli-
ance and always pull out the plug from the socket (pull
the plug itself, not the lead) if the appliance is not being
used and remove the attached accessories.
• Donotoperatethemachinewithoutsupervision.Ifyou
leave the room you should always turn the device off.
Remove the plug from the socket.
• Checktheapplianceandthecablefordamageona
regular basis. Do not use the appliance if it is damaged.
• Donottrytorepairtheapplianceonyourown.Always
contact an authorized technician. To avoid the exposure
to danger, always have a faulty cable be replaced only by
the manufacturer, by our customer service or by a quali-
fied person and with a cable of the same type.
• Useonlyoriginalspareparts.
• Paycarefulattentiontothefollowing“SpecialSafety
Children and Frail Individuals
• Inordertoensureyourchildren‘ssafety,pleasekeepall
packaging (plastic bags, boxes, polystyrene etc.) out of
their reach.
Caution! Do not allow small children to play with the foil as
there is a danger of suffocation!
• Thisdeviceisnotintendedtobeusedbyindividuals
(including children) who have restricted physical, sensory
or mental abilities and/or insufficient knowledge and/or
experience, unless they are supervised by an individual
who is responsible for their safety or have received
instructions on how to use the device.
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
Important information for your safety is specially marked. It is
essential to comply with these instructions in order to avoid
This warns you of dangers to your health and indicates pos-
sible injury risks.
This refers to possible hazards to the machine or other
This highlights tips and information.
Special Safety Instructions for this Device
Symbols on the Product
On the products you will find symbols that indicate warnings
In order to prevent overheating, the radiator
must not be covered.
• Thisdevicebecomeshotduringuse.Inordertoavoid
burns, please ensure that it does not come into contact
with the skin.
Pull the appliance by the handle.
• Thisradiatorislledwithanexactquantityofaspecialoil.
Repairs where it becomes necessary to open the housing
of the radiator may only be carried out by the manufac-
turer or an authorised service dealer. You should also
contact the above if your radiator loses oil.
• Beforedisposingoftheradiatordrainthefueloiland
dispose of in a manner compliant with environmental
protection regulations.
• Pleasekeepasafetydistanceofatleast90cmbetween
all sides of the device and furniture and other objects.
• Undernocircumstancesmaytheradiatorbeusedin
rooms with explosive gas (e.g. petrol) or while work is
being carried out with inflammable adhesives or solvents
(e.g. when gluing or painting parquet, PVC etc).
• Specialcaremustbetakenwhentheradiatorisusedin
the vicinity of children or when left unattended.
• Donotinsertanyobjectsintotheradiator.
• Ensurethatasafetydistanceismaintainedbetweenthe
power cord and the housing.
• Inordertoavoidoverheatingitisimportantthattheair
inlets and outlets are kept clear. Never suspend objects in
front of or above the radiator.
• Donotusetheradiatorintheopenair.
• Thisradiatorisnotsuitableforuseinbathrooms,washing
rooms or rooms which are used in a similar manner. The
radiator must never be placed in a position where it could
fall into a bathtub or other water container.
• Theradiatorshouldnotbeplaceddirectlybelowamains
power socket.
• Theradiatorshouldonlybeusedinanuprightposition.
• Iftheradiatorshouldfallover,rstremovetheplugfrom
the socket and allow the radiator to cool down before
returning it to an upright position.