Owner manual

Odour or disgusting
smell from the inside .
Is the food stored un
covered or unwrap
Are the shelves and
pockets stained with
food stuff?
Is the food stored for
too long?
Be sure to cover and
wrap the foods.
Clean the interior parts
of the appliance regu
larly. Once smell gets
soaked to those parts,
it is not easy to re
Do not store foods for
too long.
The appliance is nei
ther a perfect nor a
permanent food keep
Door do not open easily. • Was the door closed • In this case wait for a
and open again imme- minute, then it will
diately? open easily.
Frost and dew inside the • Was the door open for • Do not leave the door
appliance and on the too long? open for a long time.
cabinet surface.
• Were the foods with • Be sure to cover and
much moisture stored wrap the foods.
uncovered or unwrap-
• Install the appliance in
a drier and cooler
• Is temperature and/or place.
humidity around the
appliance high?
Front and side of the ap- It is normal.
pliance feels warm or hot.
This appliance is designed to operate in
ambient temperature specified by its cat
egory marked on the rating plate.
Climate category Ambient temperature (from... to...)
SN + 10°C to + 32°C
N + 16°C to + 32°C
ST + 16°C to + 38°C
T + 16°C to + 43°C
Internal temperature may be af
fected by factors such as location
of the appliance, ambient temper
ature or frequency of door open
• User Manual
Filter Box
Water Supply Kit