User manual

2.1.1 Using HTTP/Webbrowser
The entire configuration can be done via Webbrowser. Please use the default IP-address and the TELNET password (default: “cs121-snmp”). The username is always
For the configuration using the webbrowser please observe the following:
We recommend the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x (or higher) or Mozilla 1.3x. Please
note, that Java scripting has to be activated. Using Internet Explorer, the corresponding
settings have to be made under “Internet options” - “security”.
We also recommend never to use the history function of the browser, as this may lead to
multiple transfer of commands (e.g. delete event jobs) to the adapter.
Upon entering a HTTP-configuration session, the user is required to enter a username,
”admin”, in addition to the password ”cs121-snmp”.
Figure 4: HTTP - Administrator login
Note: If the HTTP-method does not seem to be available, check to see
whether or not the red LED UPS Status (see section 1.7 Connect your
CS121 ...) is lit.
Call Configuration, “UPS Model & System” and choose your UPS Model from the drop
down list. Further configurations like Power, baud rate, cable type etc. were made
automatically (ensure your Browser has enabled JavaScript) and do not need to be set. We
strongly recommend to keep the default settings for this UPS unless you have instructions
from the UPS maker.
Figure 5: HTTP - UPS Model & System Settings
Apply your settings with the button at the right side.