User manual

to several client stations. In addition, it is possible to specify when and how often an action is
to be released.
2.3.1 About same basic events
Please call the menu “Events / Alarms” in the Web-browser to open the main configuration-
site, whereon all configurable events are listed. In the following, we introduce same basic and
important events which should be in general handled from every CS121-Adapter. For a
complete description in-deep please see section 3 Configuration of the CS121.
The event “Powerfail” will be released when the UPS has lost the power supply. This event is
usually used to proceed operations like backup-strategies, batch-files to be executed on client
stations etc. pp. You can configure such jobs with the “Remaining time”-parameter to ensure
the actions will be executed completely.
System shutdown
The event “system shutdown” will be released, if the configurated “System Shutdown Time” (in
the menu “UPS model and system”) is reached. This means, there are yet the configurated
minutes left until the battery’s capacity is expected to be finished (as calculated by the
This event should only be used to proceed all operations concerning your forced shutdown
szenarios. Further operations are usually configurated on the event “Powerfail”.
Note: This EVENT is the final task a CS121 can initiate before the UPS
switches off! DO NOT use this EVENT for triggering shutdowns via
RCCMD etc. because the remaining time in this status is not secure. We
strongly recommend to use the event “Powerfail” and configure the
RCCMD shutdown calls with a UPS “remaining time”, this is the best
way to send RCCMD shutdowns to several IP-addresses in a certain
logic or sequence!
Battery low
The event “Battery low” will be released from the UPS when the battery charge has reached a
critical state.
UPSMAN started
The event “UPSMAN started” is periodically released in normal operating mode. You can use
this event to configure jobs, which should be executed as long as the adapter is working in
normal mode.
Note: Same UPS models allows you to configure the thresholds for releasing
UPS specific events individual. CS121 also supports these features if the
UPS includes this possibility. See also section 3.2.5 Events / Alarms in
this manual.
2.3.2 Quickguide to install an RCCMD-job
Condition for setting-up an RCCMD job in the CS121 configuration (like Shutdown for
example) is the installation of RCCMD at the client workstation.
Note: Each RCCMD-Installation requires a licence key! Usually, the CS121
Adapter Package includes already one licence key. This license key can
only be used once
per installation. If more computers need to be added
to the shutdown process, additional licenses are required.
Please follow the description in section 5.1 RCCMD to install RCCMD at the client-workstation.
After you finished the client-side installation of RCCMD you can configure an RCCMD-job at
the CS121-adapter: