User manual

Figure 15: HTTP - UPS Functions
AUX & SensorMan Status:
The AUX & TEMPMAN status shows the actual measurements of the connected
environmental sensor devices SM_T_COM, SENSORMANAGER or TEMPMAN.
Figure 16: HTTP - AUX & SensorMan Status
In the above figure, a button menu is presented in which the ports 1 and 2 can be clicked on
and off. A yellow light bulb indicates that output to the corresponding port is being provided,
while the gray unlit light bulb indicates the status of being switched off in which case the
connected device is not being provided with power. The buttons „Switch Off“ and “Switch On”
are password protected. This is the same password that has been set in the CS121-
configuration. The ports 3 & 4 are configured as input sensors, here the OFF symbol shows an
open contact, and alarm would show a closed contact. The AUX port of CS121 can be
configured as output or input – or a mixture of both.
3.2 Configuration
3.2.1 UPS Model & System
Use this menu to define the communication between the CS121-adapter and your UPS.