User manual

Figure 22: HTTP - Event Configuration with tool tip
Choose the event you wish to configure to enter the event editor.
Figure 23: HTTP - Event Editor
The Event Editor allows you to edit, delete and test existing events, as well as to add a new
event job. Please click on the desired action to enter the Job Editor, who lets you make the
Here in the following a short example how to configure an RCCMD-Shutdown signal. For
further explanations please see section RCCMD Jobs later on in this manual.
Generally, the event “Powerfail” (in same environments also named “Backup mode”) should
be used to enter the RCCMD-Shutdown commands, where required with a delay (“do after”) or
depending on the remaining time.
Figure 24: HTTP – Event Editor, Example of a Shutdown-Configuration
Additionally, all Actions of the Event “Powerfail” should also be entered in the Event “Battery
low” whithout any delay.
The Event Editor offers you 3 commands on each Job: Edit, Delete and Test. (See figure
above) Please note: the Test will perform the execution actually, which means for exeample,
that testing a RCCMD-Shutdown Job will actually relealse the Shutdown-Signal at the Client-
side! You should perform a Shutdown-test not until you have switched off the Shutdown-
procedure at the Client. (RCCMD Configuration, Button Configure shutdown)
All Jobs are saved not until you executed the Save, Exit and Reboot-Procedure, not until the
device is restarted and running in normal mode (DIP-Switch 1 is ON).
The number of jobs per event ist limited. CS121 Series 2001-2006 allow up to 25 jobs,
running under Firmware 3.5x even up to 35 jobs (approximatley, depends on the jobs). If more
jobs should be executed, you have to configure RCCMD as relay-station, as described in
section 5.1.2.