User manual

Figure 33: HTTP - Job Editor: RCCMD-Trap UPS shutdown
This event action enables an UPS shutdown. It is possible to configure when to send a
shutdown signal to the UPS in case of an e.g. battery low, firealarm or if a complete power
down is wanted. Attention: This command will cut off the power supply – only for UPS which
support this function!
Figure 34: HTTP - Job Editor: Shutdown UPS-Job
The example above configures that 60 seconds after the event powerfail has occurred, the
UPS is initiating a shutdown and the UPS waits another 120 seconds after the event powerfail
is gone (power restored), before the UPS start up is initiated. AUX-Port
Figure 35: HTTP - Job Editor: Switch AUX-Port
In general, the AUX port is used for auxiliary contacts that can be configured to function as
either an Input or an Output. (e.g. as input for Air-conditioning alarm contacts and as Output to
switch on electrical sockets or start Beepers etc. ) When these contacts are set as Inputs, they
are to be treated as an event in the „Events settings“-menu. Reverse, the AUX contacts to be
treated as actions when they are being used as Outputs. The AUX port is also used for
connecting an SS4/AUX power outlet manager, in which case all AUX ports function as
Outputs. For the AUX we provide several “add-ons” like the SS4AUX, SM_IO Relaybox,
SM_BUZZ Alarmbeeper, etc. For a complete overview of “add-ons” for the AUX please see the
according datasheet, downloadable from