User manual

The RAS-Manager relays alarm signals coming from monitoring devices such as UPS,
SiteManagers, contact alarms and the like to monitoring stations or email receivers. Any
computer with RAS capabilities (Windows, Linux) can be used as a monitoring station. The
only requirement is the setup of an PPPServer on the monitoring station. After the
establishment of communications between the RAS-Manager and the monitoring station, a
RCCMD signal is sent that depending on configuration can either make log entries, send
emails and SMSs or execute programs.
Figure 59: RASMANAGER network integration
6.5 LED-Matrix Display
The LED-Matrix display is a remote display unit for relaying RCCMD messages that can be
operated via the Ethernet.
Figure 60: LED-Matrix display network integration
Any device operating as an RCCMD Sender like a computer running UPSMAN software,
RCCMD clients, CS121 Web managers and other RCCMD 2 compatible products can send
text messages or environmental data values to the LED-Matrix and can add sounding alarms
for warnings that require immediate attention. Users can also use the built in Web server
interface of the LED-Matrix to relay alarms and messages without the use of an RCCMD
Sender. The user simply enters the message into the Web browser that is to be relayed
through the LED-Matrix.
Modbus is a serial communications protocol for use with its programmable logic controllers
(PLCs). It has become a de facto standard communications protocol in industry, and is now the
most commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices. Modbus allows for
communication between many devices connected to the same network, for example a system