User's Manual

Automatic Alarm Interval
The automatically set alarm function can be shut
o for approximately 9 minutes with the SNOOZE /
DIMMER key (12). ALARM1 or ALARM2 blinks in the
display; function selection display (17) SNOOZE and
the time remaining until the second alarm goes o are
Delayed Switch-o (SLEEP Button (15))
While the device is on, you can use this function to set
up the time in intervals of 10 minutes ranging from 90
to 10 minutes after which the device goes into standby-
mode (Standby). Press the SLEEP button repeatedly
until the desired length of time is shown in the display.
The SLEEP indicator lamp lights up. After the time that
has been entered has elapsed the device switches o
The switch-o time can be reset afterwards by pressing
the SLEEP button again.
If you want to cancel the function, press the SLEEP button as
many times as necessary for the display SLEEP to be turned
Playing CDs/MP3s
This is how you play a CD
1. Turn the device on by the button (5). Press the
FUNCTION button (6) as many times as necessary for
"CD" to appear in the display.
2. To open the CD compartment (4), press the OPEN/
CLOSE (open/close) button (7).
3. Insert an audio CD with the printed side facing
upwards on to the central cone so that the CD clicks
into place and then close the lid of the CD compart-
4. The word Cd will appear in the display while the
device reads your CD.
5. Playback begins automatically with the rst track on
the CD.
If you have inserted an audio CD: The display
will alternate between showing the title of the
song that is playing and the time elapsed since it
started playing.
• IfyouhaveinsertedanMP3CD:The display will
alternate between playing the title of the song
that is playing, the current folder and the time
elapsed since it started playing.
6. In order to remove a CD, please press the / FOLDER
key (10), open the CD compartment and lift the CD
out carefully.
Always keep the CD deck closed.
If a disc is incorrectly inserted - or no disc has
been inserted - the symbol "Cd" and the word "no"
appear in the display.
Playback of CDs produced by the user cannot be
guaranteed due to the large variety of software and
CD media available.
Description of the CD Buttons
II / ST./MO (9)
You can briey interrupt and resume playback using this
button. The current piece of music ashes in the display.
Pressing again continues playback.
FM radio mode:
Switch between STEREO and MONO.
I / I (14)
With I you can jump to the next or subsequent track
If the button is kept pressed down, the machine
starts to search through the tracks.
The I button can be used as follows:
Press once = This starts the current track again
from the beginning.
Press twice =
This jumps back to the previous track.
Press three times = This plays the song before etc. If the
button is kept pressed down, the
machine starts to search through the
/ FOLDER (10)
The CD stops.
For MP3 CDs:
Keep this button pressed while the CD is playing if you
want to switch to a folder above the current one. The
display, e.g. F02 appears. Then the CD begins to play back
automatically. f you keep the button pushed down in
the stop mode, the display, e.g. F02 will also appear. Then
start playback with the II / ST./MO button.
While an audio CD is playing:
Press once = (REPEAT ONE appears in the display)
the current track is repeated con-
Press twice = (REPEAT ALL appears in the display)
the whole CD is played continuously.