Operating instructions

10. Technical data
Type voltage 230 Volt -57% +10%
400 Volt -57% +10%
500 Volt -57% +10%
Mains frequency all models 47Hz to 63Hz; f=6 Hz;
max. frequency change 5% per half wave
Load description ohmic load
transformer load
The induction of the load side transformer should not exceed 1.45T
in case of mains overvoltage when using grain-oriented, cold-rolled
plates = 1.2T nominal induction.
Operating modes
TAKT = full wave pulse = default setting
(T0: 0.1 sec / 1.0 sec)
VAR = phase-angle control (only Thyro-A 1A)
QTM = fast half wave pulse (only Thyro-A 1A)
Set point inputs
The Power Controller Thyro-A has 2 set point inputs. The set point inputs are safely
disconnected from the mains (SELV, PELV).
Set point 1: External set point input signal ranges:
0(4)-20 mA R
= ca. 250
0-5 V R
= ca. 44 k
0-10 V R
= ca. 88 k
Set point 2: System interface, connection from superset PC or automation
Control characteristic
The control characteristic is established by the maximum value of the dimensions to
be controlled and the key values of the set point. Using these key values, the linear
control characteristic may be set as desired.
Each controller (e.g. temperature controller) whose output signal lies within the
range 0-20mA / 0-5 V / 0-10 V, can easily be adapted to the Power Controller.
Control types
Voltage control U
, U
(default setting)