User's Manual

Menu Structure - Status - Continued
Display Functions Description
[-] Inverter
[-] Country: Germany Country setting
[-] Internal Conditions
Power module 1: 100
Temperature detected at the power module
PCB1 (AUX): 100
Temperature detected internally
[-] Serial no. and SW ver.
[-] Inverter
Prod- and serial number:
A0010000201 Inverter product number
011900H2304 Inverter serial number
Software version: Inverter software version
MAC address: The MAC address of the communication board
[-] Control board
Part - and serial number:
C00100003111 Control board part number
022500H2004 Control board serial number
Software version: Control board software version
[-] Power board
Part - and serial number:
C00100004529 Power board part number
0023600H2104 Power board serial number
[-] AUX board
Part - and serial number:
C0010000241 Aux board part number
002541H2204 Aux board serial number
[-] Communication board
Part - and serial number:
C0010000201 Communication board part number
032500H2504 Communication board serial number
Software version: Communication board software version
[-] Func. Safety Processor
Software version: Functional Safety processor software version
[-] Display
Software version: Display software version
[-] Upload status
Upload status: Off Current upload status
Signal strength: 99
Signal strength. Should preferably be between 16-31. 99 Indicates
no signal
GSM status: None Current GSM network status
Network: Network to which the modem is connected
Failed uploads: 0 Number of consecutive failed uploads
Last error: 0 Last error ID, please see the GSM manual for further assistance
- Time and date of last error
Last upload:
- Time and date of last successful upload
Table 2.4: Status - Continued
2. Display
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