User's Manual

(iii) Pause the real-time inhibition manually
The real-time inhibition can be stopped temporarily if require; such as the staff work overtime in
office. The inhibition can be paused manually with Super User Code before or during the
inhibition period. The pause is toggle and does not affect the real time period counting.
---- Inhibition paused [Inhibit LED(Red) Flashing]
---- Inhibition resumes [Inhibit LED(Red) ON]
The “INHIBIT” LED(Red) is flashing during the paused period; and it is ON after inhibition resumes.
(iv) Open door lock with Super User Code at anytime
The Super User code is valid all the time even in the inhibition period. This function does not
affect the real time period counting.
---- The door is open
Super User Code
Super User Code
Super User Code
Programming and Operation Examples:
(i) Set the starting and stopping time for the real-time inhibition period
a) Set Inhibition Period from 12:30 PM (today) – 1:30 PM (same day) for lunch time:
b) Set Inhibition Period from 6:30 PM (today) – 8:15 AM (next day) for office close:
1) The start and stop time figures are 24 hours basis. They are 4-digit figures from the smallest
00:00 to the largest 23:59.
2) Entry of the two figure values from Small (Start) to Large (Stop) for the period of inhibition; the
inhibition will start and stop in the same day. See example (a).
3) Entry of the two figure values from Large (Start) to Small (Stop) for the period of inhibition; the
inhibition will start at the time of the day; thus stop in the next day. See example (b).
4) The keypad does not accept the “Start” and “Stop” times with same value. The two time figures
must be different.
(ii) Clear the function of inhibition
Clear the time settings to stop the function of inhibition: