User's Manual

The DK-2882 is a multi purpose keypad. It has many functions for user’s selection. For those general
users taking the keypad for door strike only, most of the features can be kept in their Default values.
Only the User
s / Cards and a private Master Code are required to program.
The keypad accepts 1) Card only, 2)
only, 3) Card +
or 4) Card + Common User
Code to operate its outputs.
a) The button is equivalent to the button in the keypad with bell button.
b) Wait 1 minute until the end of power up delay, or keyin to stop the power-up delay
instantly and set the keypad to normal operation.
1) Set System in Programming Mode with The Factory Set Master Code 0 0 0 0
---- 2 beeps, system is in Programming Mode
Note: If the Master Code is forgotten, use the DAP Code to set the system into programming mode.
See DAP CODE 2828 in page 15 for the details.
2) Change The Factory Set Master Code to Owner’s Private Master Code for Security Reason
3) Record an “EM Card” to Operate The Output 1 for Door Open
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(a) 10 = Programming Location for Output 1
(b) 1 = Programming option for EM Card only
(c) 001 = One of the 1,000 User IDs for the User
/Card from 000-999
(d) Read Card = Put the Card close to the card reader
(e) # = Confirm the card is read, 2 beeps
4) Set an “User Code” to Operate The Output 1 for Door Open
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(a) 10 = Programming Location for Output 1
(b) 2 = Programming option for User
(c) 002 = One of the 1,000 User IDs for the User
/Card from 000-999
(d) 8321 = The User
for door open. It is for example here only
(e) # = Confirm the User
, 2 beeps
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2 beeps, 3 2 8 9 is a Master Code for example here only.
It replaces the old master code 0000.
3) Example 3 -- EM Card + Secondary User Code :
i) Programming :
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
(a) The card is programmed for operating Output 1
(b) The operation medium is EM Card + Secondary User Code
(c) Take the ID number 002 in Group 1 to store the Card & Code, which is one of the IDs in 000-999
(d) Put the card close to the reader. One beep confirms the reading
(e) Put Secondary User Code “2 4 6 8 0” after reading of card
(f) Press # to store the “Card + Secondary User Code”, two-beep confirms a valid entry
ii) Operation : (while the system is back to operation mode)
(a) (b) (c)
(a) Read the EM card. Two-beep confirms the reading and 30 seconds waiting time is given for
entry of the User Code, the Amber LED keeps flashing
(b) Key in the Secondary User Code “2 4 6 8 0”
(c) Confirm it with the # key. Output 1 activates
Read Card
Read Card
4) Example 4 -- EM Card + Common User Code:
i) Programming :
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(a) The card is programmed for operating Output 1
(b) The operation medium is “EM Card + Common User Code”
(c) Take ID number 003 in Group 1 to store the card, which is one of the IDs in 000-999
(e) Press # to store the “Card”. Two-beep confirms a valid entry
ii) Operation : (while the system is back to operation mode)
(a) (b) (c)
(a) Read the EM card. Two-beep confirms the reading and 30 seconds waiting time is given for entry
of the Common User Code, the Amber LED keeps flashing
(b) Key in the Common User Code “1 3 5 7” (the number programmed in “Location 0 3” for Output
1 in the previous Example)
(c) Confirm it with the # key. Output 1 activates
Read Card
Common User Code
Read Card
Read the EM card. One beep confirms the reading. (No need to key in a Common User Code but
there MUST be a Common User Code already recorded in Location 03; (or 04, 05 for O/P 2, O/P