Troubleshooting guide

20. If the oxygen level is not within the specified
range, adjust the level using the up (Λ) and
down (V) arrow keys on the VFD. Using the
up (Λ) arrow key will increase oxygen level
and the down (V) arrow key will decrease
the oxygen level.
21. Once the oxygen level is within the specified
range at 75%, lower the firing rate to 60%
and select VFD parameter 69. The oxygen
level at the 60% firing rate should be as
Combustion Oxygen Level at
60% Firing Rate
Oxygen %
± 0.2
5.5 % <50 ppm
22. Adjust the oxygen level as necessary to
obtain the required reading at the 60% firing
23. Next, set the firing rate to 45% and select
VFD parameter 68. The oxygen level at the
45% firing rate should be as shown below.
Combustion Oxygen Level at
45% Firing Rate
Oxygen %
± 0.2
5.0 % <100 ppm
24. Adjust the oxygen level as necessary to
obtain the required reading at the 45% firing
25. Next, set the firing rate to 30% and select
VFD parameter 67. The oxygen level at the
30% firing rate should be as follows:
Combustion Oxygen Level at
30% Firing Rate
Oxygen %
± 0.2
5.0 % <100 ppm
26. Adjust the oxygen level as necessary to
obtain the required reading at the 30% firing
27. Finally, reduce the firing rate to 18% and
select VFD parameter 66. The oxygen level
at the 18% firing rate should be as shown in
the following tabular listing:
Combustion Oxygen Level at
18% Firing Rate
Oxygen %
± 0.2
5.5 % <100 ppm
28. Adjust the oxygen level as necessary to
obtain the required reading at the 18% firing
Repeat steps 17 through 28 until the VFD
does not require adjustment when
sequencing from 75% to 18%.
29. This completes the Propane combustion
calibration procedures.
Once the combustion calibration adjustments
are properly set for Natural Gas and Propane,
the unit can be reassembled for service
1. Access the Control Panel Configuration
Menu and ensure that the Max Fire Rate is
set to the desired level for the fuel being
used for service operation (100% for Natural
Gas; 75% for Propane).
2. Set the control panel ON/OFF switch to the
OFF position.
3. Disconnect AC power from the unit.
4. Shut off the gas supply to the unit.
5. Set the Fuel Selector Switch to the
corresponding position for the fuel being
used for service operation.
6. Install the correct VFD Logic Stick for the
fuel being used.
7. Remove the manometer and barbed fittings
and reinstall the NPT plug using a suitable
pipe thread compound.
8. Remove the combustion analyzer probe
from the vent hole. Replace the NPT plug in
the vent hole using a suitable pipe joint
9. Replace the unit’s side panels and front