Product Brochure

More About Your Seed
Starting System
AeroGrow has a searchable online resource section.
For more detailed information about growing in your AeroGarden,
please visit:
1-800-476-9669 USA | 1-800-611-9058 - CANADA
AeroGrow International, Inc., P.O. Box 18450, Boulder, CO 80308-1450
©2018 AeroGrow International, Inc. 507348-0000 092618 AA
With the AeroGarden Seed Starting System, you can use
your AeroGarden to start seedlings for transplanting into an
outdoor garden.
You can start your Spring plants, such as lettuce and
broccoli, then clean your tray and start over with Summer
plants such as tomatoes and cucumbers. You can also use
your Seed Starting System to clone plant cuttings!
When Should I Plant?
Seeds start quickly in an AeroGarden! In about 4 weeks
(or sooner) your plants will be ready to transplant into an
outdoor garden. Don’t start your plants too soon!
If you are growing a cool-weather crop such as lettuce or
broccoli, you can transplant in Spring or Fall, as long as the
soil is workable.
If you are growing a warm-weather crop such as tomatoes
or peppers, wait to transplant until the danger of a late frost
has passed. Your seed packages will tell you the right time to
plant outdoors in your area. Back up about 1 month from that
planting date to start your seeds in the Seed Starting Tray.
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loves to answer questions at
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