Troubleshooting Guide

Table Of Contents
[ Edit: 2018/ 4/ 26 Model: AIVINJ-N ]
Available settings
Menu item Result
[Cancel Route] Cancels the current route guidance.
“Canceling Route” (page 6-37)
[Turn List] Displays the details of the suggested route.
“Displaying Turn List (page 6-37)
[Detour] A detour of a specified distance can be calculated.
“Setting detour route” (page 6-37)
[Route Preference] Set the route search conditions.
“Route Preference” (page 6-38)
[Recalculate] Manually search for the route again after changing the search
conditions, etc. and have the system calculate a route.
“Recalculating route” (page 6-41)
[Show Destination] [Move Location] Displays a map screen and allows the location of the destination to be
[Nearby POIs] Search for points of interest near the destination, such as restaurants
and gas stations, etc. The location can be set as a waypoint.
[Save Location] Save the destination in the Address Book.
[Edit/Add to Route] A destination or waypoint can be edited/added to a route that has
already been set.
“Editing route” (page 6-41)
[Guidance Settings] Various guidance settings can be customized.
“Guidance settings” (page 6-44)
[Save Route] The current route (a destination and waypoints) can be saved. A
maximum of 10 routes can be saved. The saved routes can easily be
recalled for future use. Saved route includes only the location
information, not the route itself. Route may vary depending on the
traffic information or other conditions.
6. Navigation (if so equipped)