User's Manual

4.2 Start up PC Programmer
1.Select 'Start', choose 'Programs', click on the '*** Serial PC
Programmer' program.
2.When HD Serial PC Programmer is started, a main form will be shown
after a greeting form.
3.There has a menu bar at the top of the main form, and a message box
at the bottom.
NOTE:The program is menu driven for all pertinent commands. All the
commands can be accessed by either key board or the left mouse
Access keys mainly used are:
'Tab' or 'Arrow' to move focus(or cursor)
'Enter' to active a focused command
4.3 Edit Configuration
4.3.1 Open/Upload Configuration file
To edit the configuration, please either
1)Recall an Existing Configuration by click on the 'Open' item in
the File Menu, select the configuration file by click on or input
its name then press 'Enter' key.
OR 2)Upload configuration data from a device by click on 'Upload' item
in the Device menu. to a Configuration window .
Different Model's device Configuration can be opened and edited.
There are two fields in each Configuration window: system data
and Channel data.
OR 3)Open an existing Configuration by click on the 'OPEN' item in the
File Menu. A pop up window will be shown, select a file by arrow
key or mouse then click 'OK'.
4.3.2 Edit Channel data
1)Set focus to the Channel data field by move the mouse pointer.
2)Select a particular channel number to be edited by either the
arrow key or click on it.
3)Pop up input window by either press 'Enter' key or double click
on the selected channel number.
4)Use computer's cursor keys, Tab key, Enter key, arrow key or
mouse to renew the channel data.
5)Click 'OK' button on the input window to accept the change or
'Cancel' to not change, and return back to Configuration Window.