User's Manual

AR24027 Operator’s Manual (rev E)
- 51 -
>download destination=tdd01_12 method=inline
After issuing the command initiate the file transfer using the terminal facilities..
Executes the specified file. The file is first copied into RAM and then the program is executed
out of RAM. If the radio is rebooted or power cycled, the radio reverts back to the program
defined as the default boot program. If the memory location is not defined (flash or tmp), the
command assumes the flash directory.
>run tdd01_04
Sets the specified file as the default program to be loaded upon reboot or power cycle. Since
the default program must reside in flash memory, the “flash/” prefix is assumed and is not
required for the command.
>set-default-program tdd01_04
5.10 Miscellaneous commands
The AR24027 will set the internal radio date and time automatically by decoding Network Time
Protocol (NTP) packets in the Ethernet LAN. The “zone” parameter specified with the “date”
or “time” command will then be used to display the date/time in local time. The “zone” value
is saved as part of the radio configuration.
If NTP packets are not available, the user can initialize the radio date and time with either the
“date” or “time” commands. The parameters for both commands are identical, but the
parameter order is different. The date command can be entered as:
> date 16-may-2000 10:32:06
Sets the date used by the radio. The day / month / year parameter may be separated by any
valid separator (‘-‘ ‘/’ etc.)
Sets the radio time in hours, minutes and seconds. Use colons to separate the three fields.