User's Manual

AR24027 Operator’s Manual (rev A)
- 64 -
Input arguments
You can provide the following arguments in the command line, even though none of them is required.
Input file
There are two sources for the input commands: the keyboard, or a text file. The second option is
useful when you are running the same set of commands periodically, so you want to avoid retyping
them every time you want to execute them. If there is an input file in the command line, then the
keyboard will be deactivated and only the function keys will be available. If the specified file cannot
be found, the application will be terminated.
C: > econ -i input.txt
Sample input file:
# this is a comment - note that the character # must appear as the fist character
# the following is a local command specifying a delay in seconds
. delay 10
. delay 1.5
As you probably noticed from the above file, all the lines are interpreted as radio command, unless:
a) They start with the character ‘#’ which implies a comment
b) They start with the character ‘.’ which implies a local command. Currently there is only one local
command, namely the delay < time in secs>
Important note: All the input scripts should end with the logout command. Since all the commands are terminated with the
new line character, there must be one command per line and after the final logout command you must have an extra empty
Output file
When you want to capture the output of a session into a text file, you can pass the filename as an
argument. If the file does not exist it will be created, otherwise it will be overwritten.
>econ -o output.txt
Radio MAC address
If you are interested in a specific radio, you can pass its MAC address and let the client ignore any
response from other radios. That's very handy when you are always getting connected to the same
radio and you want to avoid the manual selection of a preferred one. Very useful also in case you are
using scripts for fully automated procedures.
>econ -r 00:78:24:22:BA:4F