User's Manual

pulsAR radio Operator’s Manual
and check if that radio is running the new or old version. If the radio is already running the new
version repeat this step with the next radio. Otherwise perform the next step.
14. If the radio is running the old version issue the command:
Wait at least ten seconds for the radio to perform its start up code and re-establish the link. Then
press <CR>. Econsole automatically attempts to reconnect to the same radio again. Once a new
session with that radio is reopened issue the command:
and check that the radio is indeed executing the new version.
Note that the file downloads are executed with the link in full operation. The only downtime in the
link occurs when the radios are rebooting. The radio configuration is kept intact when a new version
is started. The downtime for the radio being restarted, is typically less than twenty seconds. When
upgrading to an incompatible version, the downtime will be slightly over one minute.
3.3.3 Installing new firmware using Telnet
Telnet is a protocol that allows you to conduct a remote radio command session from a local host.
The radio must have been pre-configured with an IP address and be reachable, over the network, from
the local host. Refer to section 5 for details on how to configure a radio IP address and initiate a
Telnet session. The Telnet terminal emulation must have the capability of sending an ASCII file to
the remote machine. The following description assumes you are using Hyperterminal as the local
Telnet terminal emulation.
1. Verify that the new software is available in the local machine. The download software for
upgrade via Telnet must have a “.dwn” extension, e.g., pmp03_25.dwn.
2. Initiate a Telnet session with the radio as described in section 5.
3. If the radio configuration has been password protected, you must first unlock the protection with
the command:
>unlock enable-configuration=password
(when the configuration is unlocked, the radio prompt ends with the characters ‘#>. In locked
mode the prompt does not include the ‘#’ character).
4. Issue the command:
to view a list of files stored in Flash PROM as well as the available free space. Verify that there
is enough free space in flash PROM for the new file. The space required will be the size of the
pmp0x_xx.dwn file divided by 2.5. If there is not enough space in Flash PROM delete one of the
program files to make up space (use command >delete filename).
5. Start the download process by typing:
>download-file destination=pmp0x_xx method=inline
where 0x_xx file is new version of software being installed.