User's Manual

pulsAR radio Operator’s Manual
If you are reading from the keyboard, and you are simply interested in capturing the output of the
session, use the following syntax:
>econ -o out.txt
Since no input file was specified, it is assumed that the keyboard will be used for input, and ALL
radios will participate in the discovery process.
Function Keys
Currently there are 6 different function keys.
F1 - Online help - gives a short description of the other function keys and the input arguments
F2 - Active/deactivate diagnostic messages. Initially diagnostic messages are not shown, therefore
if you want to see them you should press F2. Diagnostic messages include warnings, and
retransmission info in order to get an idea of the connection's speed/integrity. Error messages
are always shown.
F3 - Terminates the current session and closes the application.
F4 - Close the session with the current radio and display the results of the initial discovery phase
to allow the user to connect to a new radio.
F5 - Reverse/Restore screen settings. Initially the screen displays white letters on black
background, but you can reverse it to black letters on a white background.
F6 - Increases the console window buffer. This introduces a side bar which enables the user to
scroll up and down. Available in Windows NT Only.
Troubleshooting & Updates
Common problems
1. Failed to open adapter
This usually happens when you haven't installed properly the WinPCap library, or you have
and older version of it. Please visit to get the latest
version. You should also make sure that your Ethernet adapters are working properly.
2. Cannot find radio(s) even though they are running properly
Make sure that:
The ethernet cables are OK
You are getting connected to the right network segment (i.e. try all ethernet adapters)
You are using the right MAC address. The system tries to identify the adapter physical
address through some NetBIOS calls in the Win9X case, or some NDIS queries in the
WinNT/Win2000 case. If NetBIOS is not installed, the econ will probably use the wrong
local host MAC address. Also if there are more than one Ethernet adapter installed with
the same name, this might cause problem in the WinNT case.
Resolution: Use the command line argument to specify the correct physical local address.
You can see all the local physical address by executing the ipconfig -all command. Example:
>econ -m 00:78:24:22:BA:4F
3. Find a radio but not getting connected
Check if the maximum number of sessions has been reached. The maximum number of
sessions on the server side is limited to four, therefore you should NOT connect to the same
radio multiple times if not absolutely necessary. When the number of sessions reaches the
limit the radio will ignore any new discovery messages.