User's Manual

pulsAR radio Operator’s Manual
>delete pmp03_25
format=short or full
Lists all the files currently stored in flash PROM and RAM, their size, the sectors occupied and
the MD5 checksum (full version). It also indicates which of the files is the default program.
Files stored in flash PROM have the flash/ prefix. Files stored in RAM have the tmp/ prefix.
method=inline or binary
Downloads a program file from a PC to the Radio.
To download a file through the Ethernet port or across RF links you need to be running the
Econsole program on a PC attached to a radio through the Ethernet port. In this case the
program file must be in binary zipped format (with extension .bze). The path/ in the source
parameter is the PC directory where the file resides. The program file is transferred to the radio
and is stored in memory under the name specified by the destination parameter. If the
destination parameter is omitted, the file will be stored in Flash PROM with the same name as
the source. Note that the “.bze” extension is required in the command. The download
“method” must be “binary” (which is the default).
>download C:\load\pmp03_12.bze
download the file pmp03_12.bze from the PC directory C:\load into the unit file
If the download is executed from a terminal connected to the Auxiliary port, the file is in ASCII
format and has the extension .dwn. The download method must be “inline”. The source
parameter is not needed since, after issuing the command, you must initiate the transfer of the
file from the terminal.
>download destination=pmp03_12 method=inline
After issuing the command initiate the file transfer using the terminal facilities.
Executes the specified file. The file is first copied into RAM and then the program is executed
out of RAM. If the radio is rebooted or power cycled, the radio reverts back to the program