User's Manual

pulsAR radio Operator’s Manual
defined as the default program. If the memory location is not defined (flash or tmp), the
command assumes the flash directory.
>run pmp03_04
Sets the specified file as the default program to be loaded upon reboot or power cycle. Since
the default program must reside in flash memory, the “flash/” prefix is assumed and is not
required for the command.
>sdp pmp03_04
4.8 Event Logging Commands
The PulsAR radio keeps track of various significant events in an “event log”. This event log holds up
to 500 events. The first 100 entries in the log are filled sequentially after power up and are not
overwritten. The remaining 400 entries consist of the last 400 events recorded. All events are time-
tagged with system time.
Events are classified in different categories from level 0 (catastrophic error) to 7 (information).
region= all-events or reboot-reasons
This command clears the contents of the system event log from the specified “region”. After a
code upgrade it is recommended to clear the reboot reasons since the pointer in non-volatile
memory pointing to the reason message may no longer be valid.
region=end or tail or beginning or all-events or reboot-reasons
This command outputs to the terminal the specified region of the event log. The length
parameter specifies the number of events to output (defaults to 10). The remaining parameters
provide filters to leave out specific events. If the id parameter is specified, only the event
identified by that id will be displayed. The min-level and max-level settings allow the user to
display only the events with the specified category range.
When the region is specified as tail, the command displays the last 10 events followed by a
blank line, then waits for more events and displays then as they occur. You can press the space
bar to exit this mode.