Technical information

Network Security White Paper ver. G.1.2
Page 53 of 72
3-4 SNMP settings:
3-4-1 Web Image Monitor
To access the SNMP (v1/v2) settings, click Network > SNMP.
(This setting can be configured either from here or from the SNMPv3 settings.)
Enable: Opens the SNMP port
Disable: Closes the port completely. No SNMP communication of any version can be used.
SNMP v1/v2 Function
Enable: Allows the use of SNMP v1/v2.
Disable: Does not allow connections using SNMP v1/v2. This is recommended because SNMP v1/v2
doesn’t have any mechanism for encryption or authentication, we recommend using ‘Disable’ for this
setting unless absolutely necessary.
Permit Settings by SNMP v1 and v2
On: This enables SNMP set. It is used to write changes to settings.
Off: This disables SNMP set. Only get will be permitted. Therefore, settings can be read but not