Operation Manual

The seat weight is 15 Kg (33lbs). Each battery weight 14 Kg
(31lbs) and more. Be careful when lifting the seat and the
See instruction for lifting in Chapter 3: Maintenance and Chapter 5:
Repair and troubleshooting. Keep lifting using your Knees/legs and
not loading your Back.
If the Breeze S is involved in any kind of an accidents
that parts are damaged, it is necessary to check the
vehicle by qualified technician before go on using it.
Batteries contain lead and acid which is very corrosive.
Batteries should be disposed only to a proper disposal.
When driving always make sure, that the backrest is in
most upright position.
Use Lead Acid gel / dry batteries only.
WARNING !!! Special care must be taken to prevent children
from operating the Breeze S.
Do not allow unsupervised children to play near the Breeze S
scooter while the batteries are charging.
Always drive carefully, adjust the speed according the
limitation of the road.
Instability problem can arise when performing turns at high
speed. Before making sharp turns, reduce the Breeze S speed
to minimum to prevent side roll-over.
The Breeze S is able to go up slope higher than the
recommended safe slope. Do not drive on slopes you are not
sure about their angle. However drive very slowly and prevent
side driving on such slopes.
Before start driving make sure your emergency brake is tight
and operate properly.