User's Manual

There are three different way to level the build platform
7.1 Automatic Leveling
This is the easiest method and if using this then you may not need to use the other two methods below.
This stores the nine point calibration in the Platform Calibrate window. The platform doesn't physically
level, the variance is measured by the platform calibration and when printing the raft this variance is
accounted for. You might notice your raft is thicker on one side to the other.
7.2 Platform Calibrate (software)
If you don't want to use the automatic leveling, you can also level the
platform using the software.
Select Platform Calibrate from the 3D Print menu to open the manual
utility. Click Reset as this will reset all previous values stored from the
automatic calibration.
Move the platform up using the Up Arrow (PC) or Upbutton (Mac)
until the platform is quite close to the nozzle. Then click buttons 1
through 9to find the closest point to the nozzle. Once you find the
number 1-9 that is closest to the nozzle, move the platform until it just
touches the nozzle and then click Set nozzle height.
Next, click button 1 and select an option from the drop down menu to
select how much the platform should move up. Do this until the
platform just touches the nozzle.
Repeat for buttons 2-9
Then double check that the gap distance between platform and nozzle is
equal at each of the 9 points.
Once you are satisfied, then click Apply current values and quit.
If you need to perform this again, then click "Reset" to zero the current values.
7.3 Manual Leveling
Usually you don't need to physically level the platform, but if
your platform is out of level by more than 1mm, you'll need to
level it. An expert tip is to always have a physically level
platform (gap between platform and nozzle is equal at all
First select Platform Calibrate and Reset and then Apply
current values and quit.
Click Maintenance, enter 200 in the To: box and click
To:then increase the value get the platform about 1mm away
from the nozzle. The platform should touch the nozzle at around
205 but this is different from machine to machine.
There are three thumb wheel screws, one on either side at the
front of the platform and one underneath the platform. Start
with the two front thumb wheels to adjust the front left and right
height. Click NLto move the nozzle to the near left and compare
it to the right by clicking NR near right and get the front left and right equally level.
The values in the image above indicate
that the print surface is warped, with
the center higher than both the front
and back edges.