How the AGA cooker became an Icon

The main factor that ensures the AGA cooker remains
both iconic and popular in its tenth decade is that it has
moved with the times and adapted to modern living.
It is easy to implement change for the sake of it or to
incorporate technology where it is not needed. This has
not been the case with the AGA cooker – each change
has been considered and has made a real difference to
the lives of AGA owners.
From the introduction of new fuel types to an on/off
AGA that can be controlled via a smartphone app, the
AGA cooker has evolved to work brilliantly with changes
in domestic routine, just as it did in the turbulent 1930s.
Most AGA cookers sold today run on electricity, which
allows new markets to open up and for cooks worldwide
to enjoy the AGA cooker. China is a perfect example.
Until very recently kitchens there were simply work-
spaces, but now they are becoming rooms to live in,
rather like ours in the UK. It is because of this that the
AGA cooker is set to become a huge hit in the East.
How e AGA Became An Icon
aNd ThE iNNoVaTioN
coNTiNUEs TodaY…
Recent launches have included
the fully programmable AGA iTotal
Control (left) and (main image) the
new 5-oven AGA Total Control, the
biggest ever manufactured and
pictured here in a conservatory
kitchen in Wandsworth, London
A 3-oven AGA cooker in Heather pictured in a stunning
contemporary Bath home featured on TV’s Grand Designs
How e AGA Became An Icon 37
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