Total Control User Handbook

The Victoria Sponge Cake
The Victoria Sandwich, named after and a
favourite cake of Queen Victoria, represents classic
English baking and in our opinion should only be
made with butter for the best flavour. It can be
surprisingly therapeutic to mix by hand once in
a while, but do use an electric mixer if you wish.
Place the butter and sugar into a large bowl and cream well together
with a wooden or silicone spoon until the mixture is light and fluffy.
Gradually add the beaten egg, beating well between each addition.
Add a little flour when beating in the final stages of the egg as this will
help stop the mixture curdling.
Gently fold in the sieved flour and divide between two 20cm (8 inch)
shallow cake tins, which have been buttered and base lined.
Place the two cake tins on the oven grid shelf slid on the fourth set of
runners down in the baking oven. Cook for 20-25 minutes until risen
and golden brown. The top of the cake should spring back when
lightly pressed with a finger.
Let the cakes rest in the tins for 5 minutes then turn out onto a wire
cooling rack, removing the lining paper. Sandwich together with a
generous amount of raspberry jam and decorate the top with sieved
icing sugar or sprinkle with caster sugar.
Cuts into 6 or 8 slices
225g (8 oz) soft butter
225g (8 oz) caster sugar
4 free range eggs, at room
temperature, beaten
225g (8 oz) self raising flour
Raspberry jam
Sieved icing sugar or
caster sugar