User's Manual

Command Function Units, Resolution or Values
Used to enquire/set baud rate of radar
Programmed baud rate is used the next time the
Range: 115200 - 921600
Reports the CRC for the currently installed program in the Flash
Sets the default values for the radar *DEFAULTS!<CR>
Used to enquire/set radar direction detection mode
R = recede
D = dual direction
Used to enquire/set the event start distance. This is the
distance a target has to travel before an event start message
is sent, in metres.
Reports the security serial numbers of the radar's flash
Enquire Flash serial number values
Enquire/set the heart beat period that is measured in frames.
Setting this to zero turns off the heart beat
*HBP=5<CR> Set heart beat period to 5 seconds
Range: 0 - 86400 seconds
Enquire/set the IQ port configuration as input or output.
Not Implemented
*IQPORT = I<CE> set to input
Used to enquire/set the low speed threshold speed
*LS=50<CR> Set threshold to 50 of current
speed units
Program current user parameters into flash memory *PUS!<CR>
Used to force a hardware reset of the radar *REBOOT!<CR>
Normally used to enquire about radar serial number *SN?<CR>Enquireaboutradar’sserialnumber
Used to enquire the radars measured sample rate *SR?<CR>
Used to enquire / set the speed units type
*SU=K<CR> Set speed units to Kph
*SU=M<CR> Set speed units to Mph
Reports the temperature measured inside the radar *TEMP?<CR>
Self-Test; used to simulate a target *TS=1,A<CR>
This command is used to enquire about the radars power
supplies voltage levels
Provides radar software version AGD<CR>
This command lists the available commands LIST!<CR>
Lists all commands along with command help information HELP<CR>
Used to reprogram the radars firmware The new program is in motorola hex format
Used to enquire/set the event exit distance. This is the
distance, in metres, a target has to travel after its last detection
before a event exit message is sent.
*EED=2<CR> Set EED distance to 2m
This command is used to enquire the versions of the firmware
of the main and co-processors
This command is used to enable or disable tuning fork
*TFM=1<CR> Enable tuning fork messages
*TFM=0<CR> Disable tuning fork messages
Used to enquire radar configuration and status STATUS!<CR>