User's Manual

All work must be performed in accordance with company working practices, in-line with adequate risk
assessments. Only skilled and instructed persons should carry out work with the product. Experience and safety
procedures in the following areas may be relevant:
• Workingwithmainspower
• Workingwithmodernelectronic/electricalequipment
• Workingatheight
• Workingattheroadsideorhighways
1. ThisproductiscomplianttotheRestrictionofHazardousSubstances(RoHS-EuropeanUniondirective
2. Should the product feature user-accessible switches, an access port will be provided. Only the specified
access port should be used to access switches. Only non-conductive tools are to be used when operating
3. The product must be correctly connected to the specified power supply. All connections must be made
whilst the power supply is off or suitably isolated. Safety must take always take precedence and power
must only be applied when deemed safe to do so.
4. No user-maintainable parts are contained within the product. Removing or opening the outer casing is
deemed dangerous and will void all warranties.
5. Under no circumstances should a product suspected of damage be powered on. Internal damage may be
suggested by unusual behaviour, an unusual odour or damage to the outer casing. Please contact AGD
for further advice.