User's Manual

As highlighted on the previous page(s). There is a certain amount of flexibility in the position of where the
RADAR is mounted. The offset, height, distance from stop line, even orientation in relation to the stop line can
be altered, however when selecting a mounting position, all parameters should be reviewed to ensure that
sufficient RADAR beam coverage of the area of interest, can be achieved at the chosen mounting location.
Selecting a Suitable Site
When choosing to deploy the radar at a location, the following is a non-exhaustive list of considerations which
should be taken into account.
Does the proposed mounting position give sufficient beam coverage to ‘view’ the enforceable area ?
Are there any large reflecting surfaces directly in front or behind the RADAR mounting position ?
Radar Speed Accuracy
Simulated target up to 262km/hr ±…….Km/hr
Real target typical accuracy ±…….Km/hr
Radar speed resolution readout 0.1 Km/hr
Radar Range Accuracy
Simulated range up to 70m ±………m
Real target range accuracy ±2m for a range up to 70m
Range readout resolution 0.1m
Radar Angular Accuracy
Simulated angle ±…….º
Real target angular accuracy ±…….º
Angular readout resolution 0.1 º
Radar Angle and Range Modes
The radar has two modes when reporting range and angle. This can be set to a distance based range and
angular approach of the target vehicle, or alternatively, the position of the vehicle can be expressed as an
‘X, Y’ co-ordinate (polar or cartesian).