User's Manual

Event Trigger Point Message / 03 Message Format
Name Size / Bytes Value Notes
STX 1 2 Start of message byte
MT 2 03 Message Type
, 1 ‘,’ Comma
Message Time 8 DDDDD.DD Time of message in seconds.
0 to 86400.00 seconds
, 1 ‘,’ Comma
Event Trigger Point
1 XX The Event Trigger Point Number
, 1 ‘,’ Comma
Tracked Target
2 1 or 2 The identity of the tracked target
, 1 ‘,’ Comma
1 A’ = Approaching Target
‘R’ = Receding Target
‘X’ = Simulated approaching target
‘Y’ = Simulated receding target
Direction the target is travelling.
, 1 ‘,’ Comma
Speed 5 ‘DDD.D’
Target speed to one decimal place in decimal format
, 1 ‘,’
Speed Units
1 ‘M’ = MPH
‘K’ = KPH
The speed units used for the measurement
, 1 ‘,’ Comma
Range to Target OR
Y-range to Target
5 ‘DDD.D’ Target range in metres OR Y-range to target in
metres (depending on Coordinate Type)
, 1 ‘,’ Comma
Angle of Arrival OR
X-range to Target
5 ‘±DD.D’ Angle of Arrival in degrees OR X-range to target
in metres (depending on Coordinate Type)
, 1 ‘,’ Comma
Target Bearing 5 DDD.D The bearing of the target in degrees relative
to the radar.
0° is a target travelling directly away from the
90° is a target travelling from left to right across
the radar
180° is a target travelling directly towards the
270° is a target travelling from right to left across
the radar
, 1 ‘,’ Comma
Coordinate Type ‘C’ 1 ‘P’= Polar
‘C’= Cartesian
Coordinate Type used for positional information
, 1 ‘,’ Comma
Target Amplitude 5 ‘DDD.D’ Target Power Amplitude in dB
* 1 ‘*’ Asterisk
Check Sum 2 ‘XX’ Check sum in hexadecimal format
ETX 1 3 End of message byte