User`s guide

Making Mixer Measurements (Option 089 Only)
Mixer Measurement Capabilities
Mixer Measurement Capabilities
The analyzer is capable of measuring the following mixer (frequency converter)
Figure 2-1 Mixer Parameters
Transmission characteristics include conversion loss, conversion compression, group
delay, and RF feedthrough.
Reflection characteristics include return loss, SWR and complex impedance.
Characteristics of the signal at the output port include the output power.
Other parameters of concern are isolation terms, including LO to RF isolation and LO
to IF isolation.
NOTE This chapter uses the following 3 terms when referring to mixer signals:
LO Local Oscillator. LO is normally provided by an external source or
internally generated by the frequency converter.
IF Intermediate Frequency. IF is usually the mixer’s output signal.
Radio Frequency. RF is usually the mixer’s input signal.