User`s guide

Making Measurements
Using the Swept List Mode to Test a Device
Using the Swept List Mode to Test a Device
When using a list frequency sweep, the analyzer has the ability to sweep arbitrary
frequency segments, each containing a list of frequency points. One major advantage of
using list frequency sweep is that it allows you to measure the minimum number of data
points, and only at the frequencies of interest. This serves to minimize the overall test
time. Two different list frequency sweep modes can be selected:
Stepped List
Mode In this mode, the source steps to each defined frequency point, stopping
while data is taken. This mode eliminates IF delay and allows frequency
segments to overlap. However, the sweep time is substantially slower than
for a continuous sweep with the same number of points.
Swept List
Mode This mode takes data while sweeping through the defined frequency
segments, increasing throughput by up to 6 times over a stepped sweep. In
addition, this mode allows the test port power and IF bandwidth to be set
independently for each segment that is defined. The frequency segments in
this mode cannot overlap.
The ability to completely customize the frequency sweep while using swept list mode is
useful when setting up a measurement for a device with high dynamic range, like a filter.
The following measurement of a filter illustrates the advantages of using the swept list
For in-depth information on swept list mode, refer to "Swept List Frequency Sweep
(Hz)" on page 7-17.
For information on optimizing your measurement results when using swept list mode,
refer to "To Use Swept List Mode" on page 5-10.
Connect the Device Under Test
1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-54.
Figure 1-54 Swept List Measurement Setup